2015 Asia Pacific Open Date Summit

2015.11.14 08:14:04

Create new opportunities for economic cooperation

Governments around the world can all agree that Open Data increases government transparency and public participation, and serves as the foundation for innovative services when combined with the private sector’s creativity, which further creates economic value.

The Industrial Development Bureau(IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs held the ‘2015 Asia Pacific Open Data Summit’ on the 14th, inviting representatives from Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia to Taiwan to exchange experiences in developing Open Data.

The representatives announced the joint preparation of an “Asian Open Data Alliance”. Vice Premier Chang San-Cheng personally attended the event and gave a speech. Over 400 representatives of industries, government, academia and research institutes attended the event.

Vice Premier Chang mentioned that it is necessary for Taiwan to engage in international exchange, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. He also pointed out that Asian countries should find their own motivation and features, and hopes that the establishment of an Asian Open Data Alliance will lead to the design of an Open Data index suitable for Asian countries.

물류on뉴스 기자 kmpress@daum.net
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